In 2020, what is the most popular word? I think coronavirus is definitely one of them! If anyone has never heard or know about it, I would say they must be very lucky.

What is it?

Here, I would like to refer the the official definition by WHO  

Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of coronaviruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronacoronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.

Coronacoronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.  Detailed investigations found that SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronacoronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.

Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.


Check here if you want to know about it!

How it happen?

Most people think the coronavirus starts in wuhan, China, and the reason is because we Chinese eat wild animals(99% of our Chinese eat only pork,beef,chicken,duck and goose.So please donot judge us by less than 1% of people who might eat dogs) But up to now,there is no evidence to prove this. There are some people saying it’s biological weapon that United States used to beat China.They are smart to choose this special time and place because they know Chinese new year is the biggest holiday in China for people to get together and Wuhan city plays very important role in transportation.There is some news saying that the coronavirus actually starts from United States because they have flu for long time(earlier than coronavirus starts in China)and many people died,it may be die from the coronavirus instead of flu. But no matter how, it’s still a mystery yet.

What do we do?

As a great and strong country,our government take many effective actions to prevent coronavirus getting spread and kill people”life.

Read about what we China do( I think it should be more than that)

The most impressive but also effective policy is Wuhan city got lockdown from Jan 23th(Have never happened before even in 2003 SARS special time). At the same day we were planning to visit our parents in another city of Hubei province,but due to this shocking news we had to cancel our schedule for safety.Continuously other nearby cities also lock down including the city where we stay. Honestly speaking,it was difficult time to pass through and most people got panic especially after learning about all roads get blocked and the number of data for people got infected by coronavirus is increasing dramatically by day. Every day in our news, in the topic we had with family and friends are all about coronavirus. In this information world,it is good but also bad. We can read the news to know everything happens in the world and what situation we are( such as how many people get infected and died). But meantime, the more Information we know, the more panic people will get.Our Chinese new year holiday used to be the most happy and relax time for people to get together with family and friends but this year, this holiday is so special and quiet. The best and safe thing for us to do is to say at home,stay away from gathering and outside.

As the coronavirus get spread fast and more people get infected,we have learned that Wuhan,as the most serious city,had lack of doctors,beds for patients and some supplies.We met the most challenging problem. So our goverment give the order immediately to build up two temporary hospitals in response to the coronavirus outbreak and ensure we have enough beds for patients to heal. That is how and why Huoshengshan hospital and Leishengshan get built!

Huoshengshan hospital took about 10days to get built and was put into use by February 2nd.It had capacity of 1000 beds.

Read more about Huoshengshan hospital

Leishengshan hospital took about 13days to get built and put into use by February 8th.It had capacity to hold 1600 beds.

Read more about Leishengshan hospital

Here is how the hospitals built and looks!


Wuhan-Huoshengshan-Hospital-under-built-2 Wuhan-Huoshengshan-Hospital-built-3 Wuhan-Huoshengshan-Hospital-built-2 Wuhan-Huoshengshan-Hospital-built-1 Wuhan-Huoshengshan-Hospital-inner-view

Both hospitals were built up in so short time and I assume no any other countries can make it happen and beat this records. It is a remarkable history and miracle for the world! Meantime it also tells us that everything is possible as long as we believe and fight for it!

Meantime,there are so many brave doctors from other cities and provinces volunteer to go to Wuhan to support in front line.

In addition, many big companies like Alibaba,Tecent,JD,Midea,Huawei etc they all donate millions of supplies like masks ,protective suits,money etc. Also many superstars also make big donation in order to help China fight with this coronavirus battle.

As one of the reliable evening dresses manufacturers and wholesalers,we have also donated 1000pcs masks to Wuhan as a support.Sincerely hope by all efforts we have made,we would win this battle. We pray for China and the rest of the world. Hope everything will be better soon so our life can be back to normal. We miss our beautiful world!

True but moving moments and stories

During this coronavirus battle time,there are so many moving moments and stories that touch our hearts.Here I would like to share some of them:

1,Our brave doctors and nurse,they rest for only about two hours a day. In order to save more time ,they can work 12 hours without drinking water or going to the toilet but wearing a adult diaper. They are afraid to eat or drink because once they leave out of the ward,the protective suits will get wasted,and what’s more, it takes time and effort to wear it again.Due to long time wearing goggles,it will leave indentation mark, nose and facial will swell and pain.Everytime when I saw those deep marks on their faces,it would make me tears.They sacrifice their life to save more people”life.We should say they are real hero’s!


2, Some doctors are sent to support Wuhan. They are saying goodbye to their families.There is one moving scene happened. When the bus is about to start, one guy shouted loudly to his wife:”you must come back safely.If you do,I promise you to do housework for one year!”. What a sweet and moving words!

3,On Jan 31st morning time,there is an old man who showed up in police station and put down some money(over than 10,000RMB) with a note,then left.The note saying “Come on,white angle(means doctors and nurses)!”.In the end,we find he is 68 years old working as a cleaner, monthly salary is only 600RMB but he donated all he saved by years.There are many more stories who have donated money or supplies without leaving their names. They are all heros!

4,On Feb 8th,it is our Lantern festival. Every year we will have TV programme to celebrate our festival.This year,what had surprised me is that the host and the programme still continue as every year but no any audience sitting on pavilion.The theme of programme is all about this battle against the coronavirus.It tells us to stick together to fight this unexpected battle,meantime It also gives us belief and hope that we could win in the end!

Latern-festival-programme-1-1 Latern-festival-programme-2 Latern-festival-programme-3 Latern-festival-programme-4

5, In order to avoid the chances of getting infected,the female doctors had to cut their hair.There is one video showing many female doctors had tears on the eyes when cutting their hair.It is quite moving scene if you see that.They are really brave!


Appreciation from heart

We are a reliable dress manufacturer,and we have supplied our evening dresses to many wholesalers and designers from overseas countries. So during this special time,many customers sent us warm greetings and ask how are we,how is the situation in China.Some customers even call us to show their concern.We really appreciated their kindness from heart.They are not only our customers, but also our lifetime friends and partners!

Greetings-from-Canada-customer Greetings-from-France-customer Greetings-from-Ireland-customer Greetings-from-USA-customer

What situation we are in now?

Due to our strict policy and system,the situation is much more better now. The data number showing people get infected are also getting less and less everyday. Some cities have already open and part of the enterprise had started to work.

Our factories also have started to work but not all the workers back to production line yet.Due to this unexpected coronavirus happened,all process get bit slow down so all pending orders also get delayed.Here we would like to say sorry to all of our evening dresses wholesalers customers but we promise we will catch up the time and finish making the dresses as soon as possible so it wont effect your season.




Currently the fabric market is still closed but some fabric shop can ship directly from their factory.So if you need to order any dress,please contact our sales person and we will confirm you if possible to make or not after contacting fabric shop. As long as the fabric get sorted,there is no problem for us to make.

Besides, if you need any dresses urgently,you can also order our ready stock dresses. We have many stock designs for you to choose from.You can contact our sales person so he/she will advise you where you can choose them. Moreover,we have many new designs making out from time to time,so it will always make your collection full of surprise and fresh.


Lastly,thanks again for all the brave people who sacrifice their life and fight in front line against coronavirus.We hope and believe our great country China will beat this coronavirus and win in this battle so our life and work can be back to normal. Wish the best for China and the whole world full of peace and love!